Git development workflow

This page briefly describes how to apply feature branch-based Git workflow to PLCverif, partially using Eclipse. This allows efficient collaboration and a clean master branch that can be compiled any time. The guide below mainly follows the GitHub flow. See the Understanding the GitHub flow article for more details.

[info] Note that this page is not a complete introduction to using Git. A good start to understand the concepts of Git can be the Atlassian Git tutorial. For more advanced learners this visualization may help. A good cheatsheet is provided by GitHub. Make sure that you understand the concepts of local vs. remote repositories, branches, master branch, staged files, etc.

  1. Create feature branch. Before committing your changes, ideally before starting the development of your new feature, create a branch for this feature. This way you will avoid directly modifying the master branch.

    From Eclipse, you can create a new branch by going to the Git Repositories view, right-click on the repository, then select Switch To / New Branch....

    Create a new branch from Eclipse
    Figure: Create a new branch from Eclipse

    You need to name this branch in the next window, then click on the Finish button.

    Create Branch window in Eclipse
    Figure: Create Branch window in Eclipse

    Alternatively, from command line, you should execute the following:

    git checkout -b <name_of_new_branch>

    This is equivalent to creating a new branch using git branch <name> and then switching to it by git checkout <name>. You can always check the list of your local branches using git branch -a.

  2. Commit your changes. Work on your feature and commit your changes regularly. From Eclipse, go to the Git Staging view. Drag and drop the files to be committed from the Unstaged Changes box to the Staged Changes box. Fill the Commit Message. Make sure that the Author field is correctly set up. Then click on the Commit button.

    Git Staging view in Eclipse
    Figure: Git Staging view in Eclipse

    Alternatively, from the command line, you should execute the following:

    git add <files_to_stage>
    git commit -m "Commit message"

    Before your first commit, make sure that your name and e-mail address is set correctly. You can check it by executing git config --get and git config --get You can set these globally in the following way:

    git config --global "First Last"
    git config --global ""

    You can always check the status of your local files (staged, unstaged, untracked files) by executing git status.

  3. Push your modifications. If your feature development has finished (or you just want to store the modifications on the remote server), you can push your modifications.

    With Kerberos authentication, pushing does not seem to work from Eclipse.

    From command line, you should execute the following:

    git push origin <feature_branch_name>
    C:\workspaces\cern.plcverif.cli\cern.plcverif.cli>git push origin dev-cli-header
    Counting objects: 10, done.
    Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
    Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 709 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
    Total 10 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: To create a merge request for dev-cli-header, visit:
    remote:   merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=dev-cli-header
     * [new branch]      dev-cli-header -> dev-cli-header
  4. Open a merge request. When your feature is ready, it needs to be merged into the master branch. To create a merge request, go to the GitLab page of the repository. If your push was done recently, typically you will see a banner at the top of the page from where a merge request can be created by simply clicking on Create merge request.

    Banner to open a merge request for a recent push

    Make sure that the Source branch and the Target branch are selected correctly. If your branch is a feature branch, typically you want to Remove source branch when merge request is accepted. You may also want to squash the commits. After setting these, click on Submit merge request.

    Important part of the merge request creation form

  5. Accept merge request. If the modification can be included in the master branch, the person responsible for this need to check and accept the merge request in GitLab. On the page of the merge request, you can see the status of the pipeline (i.e., if it compiles), the required approvals and the eventual discussions. If the compilation is still in progress, click on Merge when pipeline succeeds.

    Accepting a merge request in GitLab
    Figure: Accepting a merge request in GitLab

    Once the merge request is accepted, the interested parties will be notified by e-mail.

    Notification about a successful merge
    Figure: Notification about a successful merge
  6. Switch back to master locally. Now your modifications are in the master branch. You don't need your feature branch anymore.

    From Eclipse, you can switch back to the master branch by going to the Git Repositories view, right-click on the repository, then select Switch To / master.

    Switching back to the master branch from Eclipse
    Figure: Switching back to the master branch from Eclipse

    Alternatively, from command line, you should execute the following:

    git checkout master
  7. Fetch the new master branch. You switched back to the master branch locally. However, the new contents of the master branch are not fetched automatically. Using Kerberos authentication, fetching does not seem to work from Eclipse.

    To fetch and merge your modifications from command line, execute the following:

    git pull

    You can alternatively use git fetch and git merge instead of git pull. You can always check the status of your active local branch using git status.

  8. Remove the feature branch. You don't need the feature branch anymore locally. It has been removed from the remote repository after merging. To follow this locally, you should remove it locally.

    From Eclipse, right-click on the feature branch that you want to delete, and select Delete Branch.

    Removing a branch from Eclipse
    Figure: Removing a branch from Eclipse

    Alternatively, from command line, execute the following:

    git branch -d <feature_branch_name>

    You can always list the available local branches by executing git branch.

Quick summary

   git checkout -b <branch_name>  # Switch to a newly created branch
   # Make modifications
   git add <files to add>         # Stage files
   git commit -m "<message>"      # Commit staged files

   git push origin <branch_name>  # Push your branch to origin

   # After the feature branch was merged remotely:
   git checkout master            # Switch to master locally
   git pull                       # Fetch and merge remote modifs  
   git branch -d <branch_name>    # Delete local feature branch

   git status                     # Check the status of your current branch
   git branch                     # Check your local branches

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